SAL User Guide¶
This document briefly describes how to use the SAL SDK to generate application level code to utilize the supported services (Commanding, Telemetry and Events).
The SAL SDK should be installed on a modern (x86_64) Linux computer. The current baseline recommend configuration is 64-bit AlmaLinux 8.x.
The following packages should also be installed prior to working with the SDK (use either the rpm or yum package managers for CentOS, and apt-get, dpkg, or synaptic for Debian based systems. Installation of system packages must be done using sudo (eg sudo yum install, or sudo apt-get install).
ncurses-libs or ncurses-dev
The distribution includes dedicated versions of the following packages
Kafka-client and dependencies
All the services are built upon a framework of OpenSplice DDS or Apache Kafka Code may be autogenerated for a variety of compiled and scripting languages, as well as template documentation, and components appropriate for ingest by other software engineering tools.
A comprehensive description of the SAL can be found in doc/LSE74-html, navigate to the directory with a web browser to view the hyper-linked documentation.
firefox file:///**path-to-installation**/doc/LSE74-html/index.html
A minimum of 800Mb of disk space is required, and at least 1Gb is recommended to leave some space for building the test programs.
The default OpenSplice/Kafka congfiguration requires that certain firewall rules are added, alternatively, shut down the firewall whilst testing.
for iptables :this can be done(as root) with the following command
sudo /etc/init.d/iptables stop
For Ubuntu: use sudo ufw disable
firewalld : this can be done (as root) with the following commands
First, run the following command to find the default zone:
firewall-cmd --get-default-zone
Next, issue the following commands:
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=250-251/udp --permanent
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port==7400-7413/udp --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload
Replace public with whatever the default zone says, if it is different.
The location of the OpenSplice configuration file is stored in the environment variable OSPL_URI, and an extensive configuration tool exists (osplconf), should customization be necessary.
Installation from a tar archive release¶
The tar archive format release includes a compatible version of OpenSplice as well as the SAL toolkit.
Unpack the SAL tar archive in a location of choice (/opt is recommended), e.g. in a terminal, replacing x.y.z with the appropriate version index
cd /opt
tar xzf [location-of-sdk-archive]/salSDK-x.y.z_x86_64.tgz
and then add the SDK setup command.
source /opt/setup.env
to your bash login profile.
Installation from Git repositories¶
Use a git client of your preference to check out the required branch of the following repositories
and then add the SDK setup command.
source /opt/setup.env
to your bash login profile.
Install location customization¶
If you chose to install the SDK in a location other than /opt, then you will need to edit the first line of the setup.env script to reflect the actual location. e.g.
The standard location for the OpenSplice package is in the same directory as the SDK, But you can install it elsewhere as long as you edit the OSPL_HOME environment variable to reference the actual path.
Another important environment variable is SAL_WORK_DIR. This is the directory in which you will run the SAL tools, and in which all the output files and libraries will be generated. By default this will be the “test” subdirectory in LSST_SDK_INSTALL, but you can change SAL_WORK_DIR to redefine it if required.
If you will be running SAL applications in parallel with other users on your subnet , it is advisable to partition your network traffic so as not to interfere with each others activities. This can be done by setting the environment variable LSST_DDS_DOMAIN to a unique string value for each user.
Also retrieve ts_xml and copy the appropriate subsystem definitions to your working directory.
cp ts_xml-master/python/lsst/ts/xml/data/sal_interfaces/mysubsystem/*.xml test/.
Where test is the working directory specified by the SAL_WORK_DIR environment variable.
Add the invocation of setup.env to your bash login profile
source /sal-install-directory/setup.env
The most common SDK usage consists of simple steps :
Define Telemetry, Command or Log activity (either using the SAL VM, or manually with an ascii text editor). For details of the SAL VM interface, please refer to Document-xxxxx.
The current prototypes for each subsystem can be used as a baseline, eg for the dome subsystem
cd $SAL_WORK_DIR cp $SAL_HOME/scripts/xml-templates/dome/*.xml
Generate the interface code using
Modify the autogenerated sample code to fit the application required.
Build if necessary, and test the sample programs
Example makefiles are provided for all the test programs. The list of libraries required to link with the middleware can be found in section 8.0
Installation in a virtual machine¶
The SDK has been tested in a Virtual Machine environment (VirtualBox). To set up a VM appropriately for this usage :
In VM configuration, choose Bridged Adaptor for the network
Add a sal user account during OS installation, the user should be an administrator
Choose Gnome Desktop + Development tools during OS installation
From VM menu, install Guest Additions
Once the OS has booted, enable the network
Verify the network is ok.
sudo yum install xterm xorg-x11-fonts-misc java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel maven tk-devel
Configure (or disable) iptables and firewalld
systemctl disable iptables systemctl disable firewalld system stop iptables system stop firewalld
Standard usage¶
Normal usage of the SDK comprise of four main steps
Define Telemetry, Command, and Event datatypes (either using the SAL VM website interface, or an asci or XML editor). In some cases the XML from another subsystem might provide a useful bootstrap. See the ts_xml repository.
Generate the interface code using the
Modify the autogenerated sample code to fit the application required
Build and test the sample programs
Example makefiles are provided for all the test programs. The list of libraries required to link an application with the middleware can be found in section 8.0
Data Definition¶
In all XML data definition files the IDL_Type keyword is used to specify the datatype of each field. The following datatypes are supported:
long (this is 4 byte integer, and is represented as int on Linux 64-bit)
long long (8 byte integer)
unsigned short
unsigned long (this is a 4 byte integer, and is represented as int on Linux 64-bit)
unsigned long long (8 byte integer)
char, specify length using the Count tag
octet (sequence of unsigned bytes)
string, specify length using the Count tag
numeric arrays, use the Count tag with any numeric type
If there is a time-of-data associated with an item, then it should be named “timestamp”, and be of type double. The time should be TAI time as returned by the getCurrentTime method. If more than one timestamp is needed in a topic, then they should be named “timestamp-name1, timestamp-name2 etc”. If an array of times is required, then the type should be “double timestamp[size]”.
Telemetry Definition¶
A very simple XML schema is used to define a telemetry topic. The topic is the smallest unit of information which can be exchanged using the SAL mechanisms.
The following Reserved words may NOT be used names and will flag an error at the validation phase (once the SAL System Dictionary is finalized, the item names will also be validated for compliance with the dictionary).
Reserved words : bstract any attribute boolean case char component const consumes context custom dec default double emits enum eventtype exception factory false finder fixed float getraises home import in inout interface limit local long module multiple native object octet oneway out primarykey private provides public publishes raises readonly sequence setraises short string struct supports switch true truncatable typedef typeid typeprefix union unsigned uses valuebase valuetype void wchar wstring
<Author>A Developer</Author>
Command Definition¶
The process of defining supported commands is similar to Telemetry using XML. The command aliases correspond to the ones listed in the relevant subsystem ICD. e.g.
<Description> </Description>
<Units> </Units>
<Description> </Description>
<Units> <Units>
The generic lifecycle commands should NOT be included, they are automatically generated during the salgenerator validation and/or UML to XML processing. The current generic command set is {start, stop, enable,disable,abort,enterControl,exitControl,standby,SetValue}
Log Event Definition¶
Events are defined in a similar fashion to commands. e.g. The Log Event aliases are as defined in the relevant ICD. e.g.
<Description>Severity of the event</Description>
<Description> </Description>
<Units> </Units>
<Description> </Description>
<Units> </Units>
<Description> </Description>
The generic lifecycle events should NOT be included, they are automatically generated during the salgenerator validation and/or UML to XML processing. The current generic event set is SettingVersions, SummaryState, DetailedState, ErrorCode, AppliedSettingsMatchStart.
Updating the XML definitions¶
The XML definitions of the SAL objects for each subsystem are maintained in a github repository ( When subsystem developers update the XML definitions for their interfaces, they should create a new feature branch in the github repository and put the modified version into it. Once the feature(s) have been fully tested, the corresponding changes are made made to the appropriate ICD. Once the ICD has been approved by the Change Control Board, the modified XML will merged into the master branch and assigned an official release number. The master (release) branch is used to generate the SAL runtime libraries which can be used by other subsystems for integration testing. The master branch is also used by the Continuous Integration Unit Testing framework.
The XML definition files for the subsystem you are developing should be checked out of the github repository to ensure you are working with the latest version.
For convenience the full set of current definition files in also included in each SAL SDK Release (in lsstsal/scripts/xml-templates).
The XML definition files should be copied to the SAL_WORK_DIR directory before using the SAL tools.
The SAL tools must be run from the SAL_WORK_DIR directory.
Using the SDK¶
Before using the SDK, make sure that all the directories in the SAL_WORK_DIR and The SAL installation directory are owned by you e.g. .. prompt:: bash
cd $SAL_WORK_DIR chown -R <username>:<username> *
Once Telemetry/Command/Events have been defined, either using the SAL VM or hand edited,
e.g. for skycam, interface code and usage samples can be generated using the salgenerator tool. e.g.
**salgenerator skycam validate**
**salgenerator skycam sal cpp**
would generate the c++ communications libraries to be linked with any user code which needs to interface with the skycam subsystem.
The “sal” keyword indicates SAL code generation is the required operation, the selected wrapper is cpp (GNU G++ compatible code is generated, other options are java, cpp).
C++ code generation produces a shared library for type support and another for the SAL API. It also produces test executables to publish and subscribe to all defined Telemetry streams, and to send all defined Commands and log Events.
Java code generation produces a .jar class library for type support and another for the SAL API. It also produces .jar libraries to test publishing and subscribing to all defined Telemetry streams, and to send all defined Commands and log Events.
Simple example scripts to perform the major functions can be found later in this document.
The “labview” keyword indicates that a LabVIEW compatible shared library and Monitor task should be built (the “sal cpp” step must previously have been run).
The “maven” keyword indicates that a Maven project should be built for the subsystem. This will be placed in $SAL_WORK_DIR/maven/[subsystem]_[version], The “sal java” step must previously have been run).
Recommend sequence of operations¶
Create the XML Telemetry, Command, and Event definitions
Use the salgenerator validate operation
Use the salgenerator html operation
Use the salgenerator sal operation
Verify test programs run correctly
Build the SAL shared library / JAR for the subsystem
Begin simulation/implementation and testing
Step 1 - Definition¶
Use an XML editor to create/modify the set of subsystem xml files. Each file should be appropriately named and consists of a either Telemetry, Command, or Event definitions. The current prototypes for each subsystem can be found at
Step 2 - Validation¶
Run the salgenerator tool validate option for the appropriate subsystem.
salgenerator mount validate
The successful completion of the validation phase results in the creation of the following files and directories
idl-templates–Corresponding IDL DDS Topic definitions idl-templates/validated–validated and standardized idl idl-templates/validated/sal–idl modules for use with OpenSplice sql–database table definitions for telemetry xml–XML versions of the all telemetry definitions
Step 3 - Update Structure and documentation¶
Run the salgenerator html option for the appropriate subsystem.
salgenerator mount html
The successful completion of the html phase results in the creation of the following files and directories which may be used to update the SAL online configuration website. (See SAL VM documentation for upload details).
html -- a set of directories, one per .idl file, with web forms for editing online
a set of index-dbsimulate web page forms
a set of index-simulate web page forms
a set of sal-generator web page forms
Step 4-Code Generation¶
Run the salgenerator tool using the sal option for the appropriate subsystem. The sal option requires at least one target language to also be specified. The current target language are cpp, java.
Depending upon the target language, successful completion of the code generation results in the following output directories (e.g. for mount) .. code:
e.g. salgenerator mount sal cpp
c++ -
mount: - *common mount support files*
ccpp_sal_mount.h -main include file - dds type support library
Makefile.sacpp_mount_types - type support makefile
sal_mount.cpp - item access support
sal_mountDcps_impl.cpp - type class implementation
sal_mount.idl - type definition idl
sal_mountDcps.cpp - type support interface
sal_mountSplDcps.cpp - type support I/O
sal_mountDcps.h - type interface headers
sal_mount.h - type support class
sal_mountSplDcps.h - type I/O headers
sal_mountSplDcps.h - type I/O headers
CheckStatus.cpp - test dds status returns
CheckStatus.h - test dds status headers
mountCommander.cpp - command generator
mountController.cpp - command processor
mountEvent.cpp - event generator
mountEventLogger.cpp - event logger
Makefile.sacpp_mount_cmd - command support makefile
Makefile.sacpp_mount_event - event support makefile
sacpp_mount_cmd - *test program*
sacpp_mount_ctl - *test program*
sacpp_mount_event - *test program*
sacpp_mount_eventlog - *test program*
sal_mount.h - SAL class headers
sal_mountC.h - SAL C support
sal_mount.cpp - SAL class
mount_TC: - specific to particular telemetry stream
CheckStatus.cpp - check dds status class
CheckState.h - check dds status header
mount_TCDataPublisher.cpp - Actuators data publisher
mount_TCDataSubscriber.cpp - Actuators data subscriber
Makefile.sacpp_mount_TC_sub - subscriber makefile
Makefile.sacpp_mount_TC_pub - publisher makefile
sacpp_mount_sub - *test program*
sacpp_mount_pub - *test program*
e.g. salgenerator mount sal java
java -
classes - compiled type classes
mount - generated java types
Makefile.saj_mount_types - makefile for types
saj_mount_types.jar - type support classes
sal_mount.idl - validated sal idl
full set of java .class type support files
mount saj_mount_types.manifest
full set of .java type support files
mount/java/src: - run command tester - run event tester - commander source - command processor source - event generator source - event logger source
Makefile.saj_mount_cmdctl - command class makefile
Makefile.saj_mount_event - event class makefile
mount_TC/java: - specific to particular telemetry stream
mount_TC/java/src: - error handler class source - publisher class source - subscriber class source
mount_TC/java/src/org/lsst/sal: - sal class for mount
mount_TC/java/standalone: - *run test programs*
Makefile.saj_mount_TC_pub - publication class makefile
Makefile.saj_mount_TC_sub - subscription class makefile
saj_mount_TC_pub.jar - telemetry publication class
saj_mount_TC_sub.jar - telemetry subscription class
Once the java has been generated it is also possible to create a Maven project for ease of distribution. Use the command e.g.
salgenerator mount maven
will create and build a maven project and it in
salgenerator Options¶
The salgenerator executes a variety of processes, depending upon the options selected.
validate - check the XML files, generate validated IDL
html - generate web form interfaces and documentation
labview - generate labVIEW interface
sal [lang] - generate SAL C++, Java or wrappers
lib - generate the SAL shared library for a subsystem
icd - generate ICD document
maven - generate a maven project (per subsystem)
verbose - be more verbose ;-)
SAL API examples¶
The SAL code generation processes also generates a comprehensive set of test programs so that correct operation of the interfaces can be verified.
Sample code is generated for the C++, Java target languages currently.
The sample code provides a simple command line test for
publishing and subscription for each defined Telemetry type
issuing and receiving each defined Command type
generating and logging for each defined Event type
In addition, GUI interfaces are provided to simplify the launching of Command and Event tests.
The procedure for generating test VI’s for the LabVIEW interface is detailed in Appendix X. At present this is an interactive process, involving lots of LabVIEW dialogs.
To check that the OpenSplice environment has been correctly initialized; in a terminal, type
should produce .. code:
Usage: idlpp [-c preprocesso-path] [-b ORB-template-path]
[-n <include-suffix>] [-I path] [-D macro[=definition]] [-S] [-C]
[-l (c|c++\cpp\isocpp\cs\java] [-j [old]:<new>] [-d directory] [-i]
[-P dll_macro_name[,<chfile>]] [-o (dds-types| custom-psm| no-equality] <filename>
To check that the SAL environment has been correctly initialized; in a terminal type
shoud produce
SAL generator tool - Usage:
salgenerator subsystem flag(s)
where flag(s) may be
validate - check the XML Telemetry/Command/LogEvent definitions
sal - generate SAL wrappers for cpp, java, isocpp
lib - generate shared library
labview - generate LabVIEW low-level interface
maven - generate a maven repository
db - generate telemetry database table
Arguments required are
db start-time end-time interval
where the times are formatted like "2008-11-12 16:20:01"
and the interval is in seconds
sim - generate simulation configuration
icd - generate ICD document
link - link a SAL program
verbose - be more verbose ;-;
Verify tha the network interface is configured and operating correctly.
Make sure that Firewalld is properly configured (or disabled by issuing the systemctl stop firewalld command as root).
Once the salgenerator has been used to validate the definition files and generate the support libraries, there will be automatically built test programs available.
In all cases, log and diagnostic output from OpenSplice will be written to the files
ospl-info.log and ospl-error.log
in the directory where the test is run.
The following locations assume code has been built for the skycam subsystemsupport, there will be separate subdirectories for each Telemetry stream type.
For C++
skycam_<telemetryType>/cpp/standalone/sacpp_skycam_pub - publisher
skycam_<telemetryType>/cpp/standalone/sacpp_skycam_sub - subscriber
start the subscriber first, then the publisher.
For Java
- start publisher and subscriber
The following locations assume code has been built for mount subsystemsupport
For C++
mount/cpp/src/sacpp_mount_[command]_commander - to send commands
mount/cpp/src/sacpp_mount_[command]_controller - to process commands
start the controller first, wait for it to print Ready, then run the commander
For java
mount/java/src/ - starts command processor
In addition a gui can be used to send all supported subsystem commands (with an associated processor to demonstrate reception of same). To start the gui e.g. for hexapod subsystem .. code:
For C++
command_test_gui hexapod
This script is on the PATH, so you should be able to run it from the command line.
The gui provides a window to select the command to run. If a command has optional values/modifiers, then a subwindow will open to allow their values to be entered. A terminal window show the messages from a demo command processor which simply prints the contents of commands as they are received.
The following locations assume code has been built for mount subsystem support
For C++
mount/cpp/src/sacpp_mount_[event]_send - to generate events
mount/cpp/src/sacpp_mount_[event]_log - to log the events
start the event logger first and then the send
For java
mount/java/src/ - starts events processor
In addition a gui can be used to send all supported subsystem commands (with an associated processor to demonstrate reception of same). To start the gui e.g. for hexapod subsystem
For C++
This script is on the PATH so you should be able to run it from the command line.
The gui provides a window to select the event to generate. If an event has optional values/modifiers, then a subwindow will open to allow their values to be entered. A terminal window show the messages from a demo event processor which simply prints the content of events as they are received.
Application programming Interfaces¶
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include "SAL_Mount.h"
#include "ccpp_sal_mount.h"
#include "os.h"
#include "example_main.h"
#include "example_main.h"
using namespace DDS;
using namespace <subsystem>; // substitute the actual subsystem name here
int putSample(<subsystem::telemetryType> data); - publish telemetry sample
int getSample(<subsystem::telemetryTypeSeq> data); - read next telemetry sample
int putSample_<telemetryType>(<subsystem::telemetryTypeC>*data); - publish telemetry sample (C)
int getSample_<telemetryType>(<subsystem::telemetryTypeC>*data); - read next telemetry sample (C)
void salTypeSupport(char*topicName); - initialize type support
void salTelemetryPub(char *topicName); - create telemetry publisher object
void salTelemetrySub(char *topicName); - create telemetry subscriber object
void salEvent(char *topicName); - create event object
int getResponse(<subsystem>::ackcmdSeq data); - read command ack
int getEvent(<subsystem>::logeventSeq data); - read event data
void salShutdown(); - tidyup
void salCommand(); - create command object
void salProcessor(); - create command processor object
int issueCommand(<subsystem>::command data); - send a command
int issueCommandC(<subsystem_commandC *data>; - send a command (C)
int ackCommand(int cmdSeqNum, long ack, long error, char *result); - acknowledge a command
int acceptCommand(<subsystem>::commandSeq data); - read next command
int acceptCommandC(<subsystem>::commandC *data); - read next command (C)
int checkCommand(int cmdSeqNum); - check command status
int cancelCommand(int cmdSeqNum); - abort all commands
int waitForCompletion(int cmdSeqNum, unsigned int timeout); - wait for command to complete
int setDebugLevel(int level); - change debug info level
int getDebugLevel(int level) - get cureent debug info level
int getOrigin(); - get origin descriptor
int getProperty(stringproperty, stringvalue); - get configuration item
int setProperty(stringproperty, stringvalue); - set configuration item
int getPolicy(stringpolicy, stringvalue); - get middleware policy item
int setPolicy(stringpolicy, stringvalue); - set middleware policy item
void logError(int status); - log middleware error
salTIME currentTime(); - get current timestamp
int logEvent(char *message, int priority); - generate a log event
import <subsystem>.*; // substitute actual subsystem name here
import org.lsst.sal.<SAL_subsystem>; substitute actual subsystem name here
public void salTypeSupport(String topicName) - initialize type support
public int putSample(<telemetryType> data) - publish a telemetry sample
public int getSample(<telemetryType> data) - read next telemetry sample
public void salTelemetryPub(String topicName) - create telemetry publisher
public void salTelemetrySub(String topicName) - create telemetry subscriber
public void logError(int status) - log middleware error
public SAL_<subsystem>() - create SAL object
public int issueCommand(command data) - send a command
public int ackCommand(<subsystem>.command data) - acknowledge a command
public int acceptCommand(<subsystem>.command data) - read next command
public int checkCommand(int cmdSeqNum) - check command status
public int getResponse(ackcmdSeqHolder data) - read command ack
public int cancelCommand(int cmdSeqNum) - cancel a command
public int abortCommand(int cmdSeqNum) - abort all commands
public int waitForCompletion(int cmdSeqNum, int timeout) - wait for command to complete
public int getEvent(logeventSeqHolder data) - read next event data
public int logEvent(String message, int priority) - generate an event
public int setDebugLevel(int level) -set debug info level
public int getDebugLevel(int level) - get debug info level
public int getOrigin() - get origin descriptor
public int getProperty(String property, String value) - get configuration item
public int setProperty(String property, String value) - set configuration item
public void salCommand() - create a command object
public void salProcessor() - create command processor object
public void salShutdown() - tidyup
public void salEvent(String topicName) - create event object
SAL XML Schema¶
Compiler Options and Link Libraries¶
The following compiler options are required when compiling application code. For subsequent linking with the SAL and DDS middleware.
CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS : -m64 -D_REENTRANT -fPIC -Wno-write-strings
Subsystems with duplicate instantiations (e.g. Hexapods) also require
and the following include paths will be required .. code:
where -subsys- is the subsystem name e.g. hexapod
The following libraries are required when linking an application to use the SAL and DDS middleware. For an application that communicates with multiple subsystems, the SAL libraries for each must be included.
SAL : libSAL_[subsystem-name].so, libsacpp_[subsystem-name]
DDS :,,,,,,,,,
Appropriate linker path directives are
-L$(OSPL_HOME)/lib -L$(SAL_HOME)/lib
LabVIEW test VI generation¶
If you have multiple LabVIEW versions installed, or if LabVIEW is installed in a non default location, you can use the environment variable LABVIEW_HOME to control where the SDK looks for the LabVIEW header files.
export LABVIEW_HOME=/opt/natinst
would expect to find headers in /opt/natinst/LabVIEW_20[xx]_64
Run the salgenerator steps in order
salgenerator [subsystem] validate
salgenerator [subsystem] sal cpp
salgenerator [subsystem] labview
The generation of the LabVIEW test VI’s is an interactive process. The LabVIEW Shared library import is used to automatically generate VI’s to interact with the Salgenerator produced SALLV_[subsystem].so library.
It is vital to COMPLETELY DELETE the entire destination directory and it’s contents so that wizard can create its output directory afresh.
For example if you choose to place the results in /home/me/sal/test/tcs/labview/lib
, then you should run the following command BEFORE starting the LabVIEW tools.
rm -rf /home/me/sal/test/tcs/labview/lib
Start Labview and select
option.Choose either New or Update option and specify the path to the library and the click Next. Proceed through the rest of the dialogs as illustrated below. Generally selecting the default and clicking Next is appropriate.
The only non-standard option is in the Configure Include Paths dialog where you must enter the
Option in the Preprocessor options section.
When the LabVIEW import library wizard has completed it is necessary to run another LSST provided VI to finish the generation process.
Use the LabVIEW
dialog to locate ts_SALLabVIEW/main.viClick OK to run the VI. It will open a mostly empty interface.
Click the Run icon.
Click OK and select the subsystem IDL file. The correct file should be found in the [subsystem]/labview directory of the SAL_WORK_DIR tree.
Click OK to select it.
Click OK
Another file dialog then appears for you to select the .lvlib containing the VI’s. This should be located in the [subsystem]/labview/lib directory of the SAL_WORK_DIR tree.
Click OK
There will then be an extensive period where multiple windows flash on the screen as each VI is individually processed. Finally a library contents window will appear.
Another extensive period will follow where each VI is processed again (you will see them being removed and re-added to the list one-by-one). Finally the process completes and the main LabVIEW window will reappear.
Once the VI’s has been built, you can manually test them by running them against either each other, or against the C++/Java test programs.
Regardless of which option you choose, the LabVIEW environment must be set up first by
Running the SALLV_[subsytem]_Monitor daemon in a terminal (this executable manages the shared memory used to mediate the transfer of data to and from LabVIEW. The daemon will have been built in the [SAL_WORK_DIR]/[subsystem]/labview directory.
Run the [subsystem]_shm_connect VI and leave it open
Depending upon the required function, an initialization VI should be run i.e. for command receivers, run [subsystem]_shm_salProcessor_[name], for event receivers, run [subsystem]_shm_salEvent_[name], and for Telemetry receivers, run [subsystem]_shm_salTelemetrySub.
After an application has completed all it’s SAL mediated communications, it is essential to call the [subsystem]_shm_release VI to clean it up.