
Middleware Overview

This document describes the middleware (software stack) used for subsystem communications. The publish-subscribe architecture is used as the basis.

Two versions are supported

Legacy : Open standards (OMG Data Distribution Service) describe the low level protocols and API’s. The OpenSplice DDS implementation is being used to provide this framework. This is expected to be retired before commisioning of the full system starts.

Latest : Open standards (Apache Avro and Kafka) describe the low level protocols and API’s. The Strimzi Kafka implementation is being used to provide this framework.

An additional “Service Abstraction Layer” will provide application developers with a simplified interface to the low-level facilities. It also facilitates the logging of all subsystem telemetry and command history. to the Engineering and Facility Database (EFD).

Tools are used to automatically generate communications code from Telemetry and Command definitions, which are described using “Interface definition Language”.

A System Dictionary describes the syntax and naming schemes used in the IDL/Avro, thus establishing system-wide consistency.

The required network bandwidth for each subsystem , and the accompanying EFD table sizes are described.

The detailed descriptions of all the Telemetry streams and commands, are listed in per-subsystem appendices.

Applicable Documents

  • Datastream Definitions Document - Datastream Prototypes 1.7 (Document-11528)

  • Definition of subsystems - LSST Project WBS Dictionary (Document-985)

  • Documentation standards - LSST DM UML Modeling Conventions (Document-469)

  • Messaging standards - OMG DDS 1.1 (Document-2233)

  • Software coding standards LSST C++ Programming Style Guidelines (Document-3046)

  • Vendor documentation - Opensplice manuals (Collection-2791)

  • Observatory System Specifications - LSE-30

  • TCS Communication Protocol Interface - LTS-306

  • TCS Software Component Interface - LTS-307

System Overview

The publish-subscribe communications model provides a more efficient model for broad data distribution over a network than point-to-point, client-server, and distributed object models. Rather than each node directly addressing other nodes to exchange data, publish-subscribe provides a communications layer that delivers data transparently from the nodes publishing the data to the nodes subscribing to the data. Publishers send events to the communications layer, which in turn, passes the events to subscribers. In this way, a single event published by a publisher can be sent to multiple subscribers. Events are categorized by topic, and subscribers specify the topics they are interested in. Only events that match a subscribers topic are sent to that subscriber. The service permits selection of a number of quality-of-service criteria to allow applications to choose the appropriate trade-off between reliability and performance.

The combination of Client-Server and Publish-Subscribe models leads to the concept of Command/Action/Response model, in that the transmission of commands is decoupled from the action that executes that command. A command will return immediately; the action begins in a separate thread. Figure 3 illustrate this model by means of a simplified sequence diagram. When an application receives a command, it validates the attributes associated with that command and immediately accepts or rejects the command. If the command is accepted, the application then initiates an independent internal action to meet the conditions imposed by the command. Once those conditions have been met, an event is posted signifying the successful completion of the action (or the unsuccessful completion if the condition not be met). In this figure, callbacks are implemented using the event features of the publish-subscribe model.


Information flows with the aid of the following constructs : Publisher and Writer/Producer on the sending side, Subscriber, and Reader/Consumer on the receiving side.

A Publisher is an object responsible for data distribution. It may publish data of different data types. A Writer acts as a typed accessor to a publisher. The Writer is the object the application must use to communicate to a publisher the existence and value of data-objects of a given type. When data-object values have been communicated to the publisher through the appropriate Writer, it is the publisher’s responsibility to perform the distribution (the publisher will do this according to its own QoS, or the QoS attached to the corresponding Writer). A publication is defined by the association of a Writer to a publisher. This association expresses the intent of the application to publish the data described by the Writer in the context provided by the publisher.

A Subscriber is an object responsible for receiving published data and making it available (according to the Subscribers QoS) to the receiving application. It may receive and dispatch data of different specified types. To access the received data, the application must use a typed Reader attached to the subscriber. Thus, a subscription is defined by the association of a data-reader with a subscriber. This association expresses the intent of the application to subscribe to the data described by the data-reader in the context provided by the subscriber.

Topic objects conceptually fit between publications and subscriptions. Publications must be known in such a way that subscriptions can refer to them unambiguously. A Topic is meant to fulfill that purpose: it associates a name (unique in the domain), a data-type, and QoS related to the data itself. In addition to the topic QoS, the QoS of the Writer associated with that Topic and the QoS of the Publisher associated to the Writer control the behavior on the publisher’s side, while the corresponding Topic, Reader, and Subscriber QoS control the behavior on the subscribers side.

When an application wishes to publish data of a given type, it must create a Publisher (or reuse an already created one) and a Writer with all the characteristics of the desired publication. Similarly, when an application wishes to receive data, it must create a Subscriber (or reuse an already created one) and a Reader to define the subscription.

QoS (Quality of Service) is a general concept that is used to specify the behavior of a service. Programming service behavior by means of QoS settings offers the advantage that the application developer only indicates what is wanted rather than how this QoS should be achieved. Generally speaking, QoS is comprised of several QoS policies. Each QoS policy is then an independent description that associates a name with a value. Describing QoS by means of a list of independent QoS policies gives rise to more flexibility.

This specification is designed to allow a clear separation between the publish and the subscribe sides, so that an application process that only participates as a publisher can embed just what strictly relates to publication. Similarly, an application process that participates only as a subscriber can embed only what strictly relates to subscription.

Underlying any data-centric publish subscribe system is a data model. This model defines the global data space and specifies how Publishers and Subscribers refer to portions of this space. The data-model can be as simple as a set of unrelated data structures, each identified by a topic and a type. The topic provides an identifier that uniquely identifies some data items within the global data space. The type provides structural information needed to tell the middleware how to manipulate the data and also allows the middleware to provide a level of type safety. However, the target applications often require a higher-level data model that allows expression of aggregation and coherence relationships among data elements.

The OCS Middleware provides multiple levels of access to the functionality provided. It is recommended that the highest level methods be utilized whenever possible.

The access levels are :

  • SAL (Service abstraction layer)

  • OMG DDS (Data Distribution Service) OR Apache Kafka

Each layer provides more detailed access to the low-level details of the configuration and control of the datastream definitions and/or tuning of real-time behavior.

SAL (Service abstraction layer)

The SAL provides the highest level of access to the Middleware functionality.

Transparent access to telemetry and command objects residing on any subsystem is provided via means of automatic shared memory mapping of the underlying data objects.

The lower level objects are managed using an implementation of the OMG’s DDS or Apache Kafka.

The SAL provides direct access to only a small subset of the total functionality provided by the transport layers, reducing both the amount of code required, and it’s complexity, as seen by the application programmer.

The SAL framework is designed to make this, and other similar transitions, transparent to the application level developers.

The SAL Labview interface provides per-subsystem and per-datastreams specific objects to facilitate application level publishing of all telemetry.

The SAL also provides automatic version and temporal consistency checking and appropriate feedback to the application level code.

SAL Tools

A combination of methods are provided to facilitate data definition, command definition, and associated generation of code and documentation.


The Salgenerator tool and associated SDK provide a simple (command line interface) method of interacting with all the tools included ih the SAL.

Invocation with no arguments will result in display of the on-line help.

SAL generator tool - Usage :

    salgenerator subsystem (command [args] ...)

   where command may be

        generate - all steps to generate SAL wrappers for specified language
        validate - check the XML Telemetry/Command/LogEvent definitions
        sal      - generate SAL wrappers for specified language : cpp, idl, java
        apidoc   - generate interface documentation for the specified language : cpp, java
        lib      - generate shared library
        labview  - generate LabVIEW low-level interface
        maven    - generate a maven project
        rpm      - generate runtime RPM
        verbose  - be more verbose ;-)


The OMG Data-Distribution Service (DDS) is a specification for publish-subscribe data-distribution systems. The purpose of the specification is to provide a common application-level interface that clearly defines the data-distribution service. The specification describes the service using UML, providing a platform-independent model that can then be mapped into a variety of concrete platforms and programming languages.

The goal of the DDS specification is to facilitate the efficient distribution of data in a distributed system. Participants using DDS can read and write data efficiently and naturally with a typed interface. Underneath, the DDS middleware will distribute the data so that each reading participant can access the most-current values. In effect, the service creates a global data space that any participant can read and write. It also creates a name space to allow participants to find and share objects.

DDS targets real-time systems; the API and QoS are chosen to balance predictable behavior and implementation efficiency/performance.

DDS Tools

Code generation

The DDS standard provides an source code generation tool, the IDL Pre-Processor (idlpp) which can generate DSS interface code for a variety of language/environment combinations. We use the “standalone C++”, and “standalone Java” variants.

Message Translation

Opensplice Gateway

The OpenSplice Gateway provides semi-automated message translation between a large number of middleware protocols.

By leveraging the Apache Camel integration framework and its support for over 80 connectors, the OpenSplice Gateway is ideal for integrating DDS-interoperable applications with proprietary as well as standards-based messaging technologies, such as JMS and AMQP, as well as user applications leveraging Web standards such as W3C Web Services, REST and HTML5 WebSockets.

It’s potential use is still being evaluated.


Opensplice Tuner

The OpenSplice Tuner is a deployment tool within PrismTech’s OpenSplice DDS suite. This tool offers total control over a deployed OpenSplice based DDS-system from any local or remote platform that supports the Java language.

The Java based OpenSplice Tuner tool aids the design, implementation, test and maintenance of OpenSplice based distributed systems (the OpenSplice Tuner is available both as a ‘standalone’ Java-program as well as an Eclipse plug-in for the Productivity tool suite).

The OpenSplice Tuner’s features target all lifecycle stages of distributed system development and can be summarized as:

  • Design: During the design phase, once the information model is established (i.e. topics are defined and ‘registered’ in a runtime environment, which can be both a host-environment as well as a target-environment), the Tuner allows creation of publishers/writers and subscribers/readers on the fly to experiment and validate how this data should be treated by the middleware regarding persistence, durability, latency, etc.

  • Implementation: During the implementation phase, where actual application-level processing and distribution of this information is developed, the OpenSplice Tuner allows injection of test input-data by creating publishers and writers ‘on the fly’ as well as validating the responses by creating subscribers and readers for any produced topics.

  • Test: during the test phase, the total system can be monitored by inspection of data (by making ‘snapshots’ of writer- and reader-history caches) and behavior of readers & writers (statistics, like how long data has resided in the reader’s cache before it was read) as well as monitoring of the data-distribution behavior (memory-usage, transport-latencies).

  • Maintenance: Maximum flexibility for planned and ‘ad-hoc’ maintenance is offered by allowing the Tuner tool (which can be executed on any JAVA enabled platform without the need of OpenSplice to be installed) to remotely connect via the web-based SOAP protocol to any ‘reachable’ OpenSplice system around the world (as long a HTTP-connection can be established with the OpenSplice computing-nodes of that system). Using such a dynamic-connection, critical data may be logged and data-sets may be ‘injected’ into the system to be maintained (such as new settings which can be automatically ‘persisted’ using the QoS features as offered by the ‘persistence-profile supported by OpenSplice).

Opensplice Tester

This Java based tool is designed with the systems integrator in mind and offers an intuitive set of features to aid his task, offering both local operation (where the tool is running on a deployed DDS-system) as well as remote operation (where the tool is connect over SOAP to a remotely deployed DDS-system).

The main features of the OpenSplice Tester are:

  • Automated testing of DDS-based systems

    • Dynamic discovery of DDS entities

    • Domain-Specific scripting Language (DSL) for test scenario’s

  • Batch execution of regression tests

    • Debugging of distributed DDS system

    • One-click definition of a monitoring-time-line

    • Analysis/comparison of topics/instances & samples

    • Virtual topic-attributes to dramatically ease analysis

    • System-browser of DDS entities (app’s/readers/writers)

    • Connectivity and QoS-conflict monitoring/detection

    • Statistics-monitoring of applications and services

  • Integrated IDE

    • Syntax highlighting editor, script-executor and Sample Logger

    • One-click relations between script, logs and timeline

    • Optional integration of message-interfaces with DDS interactions

OMG RTPS wire protocol

The RTPS layer is NOT expected to be used directly by any project generated code, we included a brief description for completeness.

The Real-Time Publish Subscribe (RTPS) protocol has its roots in industrial automation and was approved by the IEC as part of the Real-Time Industrial Ethernet Suite IEC-PAS-62030. It is a field proven technology that is currently deployed worldwide in thousands of industrial devices. RTPS was specifically developed to support the unique requirements of data-distributions systems.

As one of the application domains targeted by DDS, the industrial automation community defined requirements for a standard publish subscribe wire-protocol that closely match those of DDS. There is a close synergy between DDS and the RTPS wire-protocol, both in terms of the underlying behavioral architecture and the features of RTPS.

The RTPS protocol is designed to be able to run over multicast and connectionless best-effort transports such as UDP/IP. The main features of the RTPS protocol include:

  • Performance and quality-of-service properties to enable best-effort and reliable publish-subscribe communications for real-time applications over standard IP networks.

  • Fault tolerance to allow the creation of networks without single points of failure.

  • Extensibility to allow the protocol to be extended and enhanced with new services without breaking backwards compatibility and interoperability.

  • Plug-and-play connectivity so that new applications and services are automatically discovered and applications can join and leave the network at any time without the need for reconfiguration.

  • Reconfigurability to allow balancing the requirements for reliability and timeliness for each data delivery.

  • Modularity to allow simple devices to implement a subset of the protocol and still participate in the network.

  • Scalability to enable systems to potentially scale to very large networks.

  • Type-safety to prevent application programming errors from compromising the operation of remote nodes.

The above features make RTPS an excellent match for a DDS wire-protocol. Given its publish subscribe roots, this is not a coincidence, as RTPS was specifically designed for meeting the types of requirements set forth by the DDS application domain.

This specification defines the message formats, interpretation, and usage scenarios that underlie all messages exchanged by applications that use the RTPS protocol.

General policies

Refer to Policy


A firewall’s basic task is to regulate the flow of traffic between computer networks of different trust levels. Typical examples are the Internet which is a zone with no trust and an internal network which is a zone of higher trust. A zone with an intermediate trust level, situated between the Internet and a trusted internal network, is often referred to as a perimeter network or Demilitarized zone (DMZ).

Packet filtering

Packet filters act by inspecting the packets which represent the basic unit of data transfer between computers on the Internet. If a packet matches the packet filter’s set of rules, the packet filter will drop (silently discard) the packet, or reject it (discard it, and send error responses to the source).

This type of packet filtering pays no attention to whether a packet is part of an existing stream of traffic (it stores no information on connection state). Instead, it filters each packet based only on information contained in the packet itself (most commonly using a combination of the packet’s source and destination address, its protocol, and, for TCP and UDP traffic, which comprises most internet communication, the port number).

Because TCP and UDP traffic by convention uses well known ports for particular types of traffic, a stateless packet filter can distinguish between, and thus control, those types of traffic (such as web browsing, remote printing, email transmission, file transfer), unless the machines on each side of the packet filter are both using the same non-standard ports. Second Generation firewalls do not simply examine the contents of each packet on an individual basis without regard to their placement within the packet series as their predecessors had done, rather they compare some key parts of the trusted database packets. This technology is generally referred to as a ‘stateful firewall’ as it maintains records of all connections passing through the firewall, and is able to determine whether a packet is the start of a new connection, or part of an existing connection. Though there is still a set of static rules in such a firewall, the state of a connection can in itself be one of the criteria which trigger specific rules.

This type of firewall can help prevent attacks which exploit existing connections, or certain Denial-of-service attacks, including the SYN flood which sends improper sequences of packets to consume resources on systems behind a firewall.

Private subnet

Firewalls often have network address translation (NAT) functionality, and the hosts protected behind a firewall commonly have addresses in the private address range, as defined in RFC 1918. Firewalls often have such functionality to hide the true address of protected hosts. Originally, the NAT function was developed to address the limited amount of IPv4 routable addresses that could be used or assigned to companies or individuals as well as reduce both the amount and therefore cost of obtaining enough public addresses for every computer in an organization. Hiding the addresses of protected devices has become an increasingly important defense against network reconnaissance.

DDS domains

The domain is the basic construct used to bind individual applications together for communication. A distributed application can elect to use a single domain for all its data-centric communications.

All Data Writers and Data Readers with like data types will communicate within this domain. DDS also has the capability to support multiple domains, thus providing developers a system that can scale with system needs or segregate based on different data types. When a specific data instance is published on one domain, it will not be received by subscribers residing on any other domains.

Multiple domains provide effective data isolation. One use case would be for a system to be designed whereby all Command/Control related data is exchanged via one domain while Status information is exchanged within another. Multiple domains are also a good way to control the introduction of new functionality into an existing system.

Commanding Requirements

There are two basic classes of commands used : Lifecycle commands : commands used by OCS to control the lifecycle characteristics of applications. Users generally do not need to be concerned with the lifecycle commands because they are implemented by the underlying infrastructure.

Functional commands : commands that implement the specific functional characteristics of a subsystem components.

Functional operation is based on the Command/Action/Response model that isolates the transmission of the command from the resulting action that is performed. When an application receives a command, it validates any parameter associated with that command and immediately accepts or rejects the command. If the command is accepted, the application then initiates an independent internal action to meet the conditions imposed by the command. Once those conditions have been met, an event is posted signifying the successful completion of the action (or the unsuccessful completion if the conditions can not be met).

Commands return immediately but the actions that are initiated as a result of a command may take some time to complete. When the action completes, an action status event is posted that includes the completion status of that action. The subsystem generating the command monitors this status event prior to issuing the command on the remote system. While the monitoring is performed automatically by the command system, Subsystem developers may need to attach a callback to perform processing on action completion. This callback may be null if no processing is needed.

If a command is accepted by the subsystem it causes an independent action to begin. A response to the command is returned immediately. The action begins matching the current configuration to the new demand configuration. When the configurations match (i.e., the subsystem has performed the input operations) the action signals the successful end of the action. If the commands cannot be matched (whether by hardware failure, external stop command, timeout, or some other fault) the action signals the unsuccessful end of the action.

The important features of the command/action/response model are:

  • Commands are never blocked. As soon as one command is started, another one can be issued. The behavior of the controller when two or more commands are started can be configured on a per subsystem basis.

  • The actions are performed using one or more separate threads. They can be tuned for priority, number of simultaneous actions, critical resources, or any other parameters.

  • Action completions produce events that tell the state of the current configuration. Actions push the lifecycle of the ccommand through to completion.

  • Responses may be monitored by any other subsystems.

Generic subsystem control state commands

All subsystems support the following lifecycle commands. These are used to initiate transitions in the subsystem state machine. All subsystem specific commanding occurs only in the “Enabled” state.

  • [CSC-name]>_command_abort

  • [CSC-name]>_command_enable

  • [CSC-name]>_command_disable

  • [CSC-name]>_command_standby

  • [CSC-name]>_command_exitControl

  • [CSC-name]>_command_start

  • [CSC-name]>_command_enterControl

  • [CSC-name]>_command_setLogLevel

  • [CSC-name]>_command_setValue

  • [CSC-name]>_command_setAuthList

Generic subsystem logging events

  • [CSC-name]>_logevent_settingVersions

  • [CSC-name]>_logevent_errorCode

  • [CSC-name]>_logevent_summaryState

  • [CSC-name]>_logevent_appliedSettingsMatchStart

  • [CSC-name]>_logevent_logLevel

  • [CSC-name]>_logevent_logMessage

  • [CSC-name]>_logevent_settingsApplied

  • [CSC-name]>_logevent_simulationMode

  • [CSC-name]>_logevent_softwareVersions

  • [CSC-name]>_logevent_heartbeat

  • [CSC-name]>_logevent_authList


Interface Processing Time Requirements

Command messages issued via the middleware must be received by the computer system(s) of the commanded subsystem within 5ms. A preliminary response (ACK) must be issued within 10ms and received by the caller within 20ms of the command origination time.

Message Requirements

Every stream includes items for consistency
checking and performance monitoring support

Telemetry Requirements

Telemetry data issued via the middleware must be received by the computer system(s) of the Facility database , and any other subscribers , within 20ms.

Event Notifications Requirements

Any application may post notifications and/or subscribe to notifications posted elsewhere. The notification service is robust and high performance. A notification consists of a topic and a severity. A sequence of notifications with the same topic is referred to as an event.

The topic is used to identify publishers to subscribers. The severity may be used as a filter by notification subscribers.

The notification service has the following general properties: An notification topic represents a many to many mapping: notifications may be posted to the topic from more than one source and received by zero or more targets. (Typically, however, most topics will have a single source.)

Notifications posted by a single source into an notification topic are received by all targets in the same order as they were posted.

Delivery of notifications to one subscriber cannot be blocked by the actions of another subscriber. An notification stream is an abstract concept: a subscriber may subscribe to an notification stream using a wildcarded name in which case the notifications it receives are the merging of all published notifications whose names match that wildcarded name.

Notification are not queued by the service. A late subscriber will not see earlier notifications.

The service does not drop notifications. A published notification will be delivered to all subscribers.

The notification service supports arbitrary notification topics.

Notifications are automatically tagged with the source and a timestamp.

Communication Methods

Initiation : DDS discovery

The process by which domain participants find out about each others entities Each participant maintains database on other participants in the domain and their entities happens automatically behind the scenes (anonymous publish-subscribe)

  • Does not cross domain boundaries

  • Dynamic discovery

  • Participants must refresh their presence in the domain or will be aged out of database

  • QoS changes are propagated to remote participants

  • Two consecutive phases

  • Participant discovery phase

  • Participants discover each other

  • Best-effort communication

  • Endpoint discovery phase

  • Participants exchange information about their Writer and Reader entities

  • Reliable communication

  • Steady state traffic to maintain liveliness of participants

  • Participants periodically announce their presence using RTPS VAR message

  • Contains participant GUID, transport locators, QoS

  • Initially sent to all participants in initial peers list, then sent periodically to all discovered participants

  • Sent using best-effort

Writer/Reader discovery

  • Send out pub/sub VAR to every new participant

  • NACK for pub/sub info if not received from a known participant

  • Send out changes/additions/deletions to each participant

  • Uses reliable communication between participants

  • Data Distribution Service matches up local and remote entities to establish communication paths


Discovery is implemented using DDS entities known as Built-in Data Writers and Built-in Data Readers

  • Uses same infrastructure as user defined Data Writers/Data Readers

  • Participant data is sent best effort

  • Publication/subscription data is sent reliably

Three Built-in topics (keyed):

  • DCPSParticipant

  • DCPSPublication

  • DCPSSubscription

Each participant on the same host and in the same domain requires a unique participant index

For given domain, participant index determines port numbers used by the participant

Flow Control : DDS topics

Topics provide the basic connection point between publishers and subscribers. The Topic of a given publisher on one node must match the Topic of an associated subscriber on any other node. If the Topics do not match, communication will not take place.

A Topic is comprised of a Topic Name and a Topic Type. The Topic Name is a string that uniquely identifies the Topic within a domain. The Topic Type is the definition of the data contained within the Topic. Topics must be uniquely defined within any one particular domain. Two Topics with different Topic Names but the same Topic Type definition would be considered two different Topics within the DDS infrastructure.

Message timestamps

Message integrity is enhanced by the inclusion of egress-time and arrival time (local system clocks) field in every topic (command , notification, and telemetry). The SAL software automatically performs validation to ensure early detection of clock slew or other time related problems.

Software versioning checksums

Communications consistency and security is supported by the inclusion of CRC checksum fields in every topic definition (command , notification, and telemetry). The SAL software automatically checks that the publisher and subscribers are running code generated using identical (at the source code level) topic definitions. This prevents problems associated with maintaining consistent inter-subsystem interfaces across a widely distributed software development infrastructure.

Qualification methods

XML System dictionary

A systemwide dictionary of all subsystems, devices, actions and states is maintained. All the interactions between subsystems are automatically checked to verify that only objects defined in the dictionary can be used or referenced.

Code generation

The primary implementation of the software interface described in this document will be automatically generated. A Service Abstraction layer (SAL) will provide a standardized wrapper for the low-level OMG DDS functionality which provides the transport layer.

The permissible commands, datastream contents, and issuable alerts are all defined by the controls system database and their nomenclature is controlled by the system dictionary. All intersubsystem messages formats are autogenerated. Low level data transfers include versioning checksums based on the source level record definition.

Testing and simulation

Test servers and clients are generated which implement the full set of commands, datastreams, and notifications are defined by the controls system database. Tests may be configured for a variable number of servers/clients and automatically monitored to ensure compliance with bandwidth and latency requirements. All test results are archived to the facility database for future examination.